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Project ID:


Sou Driver - Car Rental Management System

Project Title:


Information Technology/ Computer Science


Kong Jin En, Ku Zi Bin, Yap Zao Min, Noor Fatihah bt Mazlam


Southern University College

Invention Description/ Abstract:

SouDriver is a web application system for car rental booking management system. This system is built as a platform for SUC students and staff who need to booking for a car. The main purpose to create this system is to allow SUC students to rent a car easily with identity as a student. Then, this system can let the driver with driver license but haven’t fully reach 21 years old to rent a car because most of the car rental system online is only limit for driver above years old. SouDriver is an autonomous system that manages the car andkeepsp tracking anrenewingew car available of the time. Then, this system is fully cover with web application on rental process that mean rent car on SouDriver will not using any manual system and walk through whole service by simply utilizing the system to eliminate unnecessary steps and processes for this booking just using a website system.

As a result of testing, we prepared three parts to ask our 30 person testers for their opinions. The heuristics part record the result of primary goal, clean and simple design, pleasing colour scheme, appropriate use of space, consistent design, text and colour consistent, icon and image meaningful. An overview of the content was presented as a record for the main heading, the information present, the clear terminology, the links that followed conventions, hints, important content, and the search box. The navigation part, a consistent navigation, an easy way to identify the user's location, a consistent way to get back to the main page, and an organization of information that makes sense has been included.

It turns out that 65% of users were extremely consistent regarding the heuristics part of the survey.At the content part, 70% of testers were agree that we bring enough content in this website of the whole booking process. At navigation part, 80% tester were fully receive guidance to proceed the booking and clearly knew what step to do in the whole processes.

In summary, this system will bring positive appearance for our user. The system will keep improve with client needed and bring more convenience to our driver.

Invention Technical Description

Laravel is used by our car rental management booking system as the backend development framework, and XAMPP is used to connect to the MySQL database. A framework for web applications is Laravel. The powerful capabilities required for big, robust applications are provided by Laravel, which is both approachable and strong. Users have access to the best inversion of control containers, an expressive migration mechanism, and tightly integrated unit testing assistance.

Visual Studio Code served as the foundation on which we built the Car Rental Management Booking System. Users typically refer to Visual Studio Code as VS Code. Microsoft created the source code editor VS Code for Windows, Linux, and macOS utilising the Electron Framework. It allows debugging, task execution, and version control during development. Additionally, it supports a variety of programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, and JavaScript. As a result, it is frequently used to create different kinds of websites and applications.

Demostration/ Presentation Video

Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link

Poster Link

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