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Project ID:


Watch the Future of Food: Eco-Friendly Edible Insects

Project Title:




Phuah Kit Teng, Ow Mun Waei, Khoong Tai Wai


Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (Malaysia)

Invention Description/ Abstract:

Food security is now a global concern as a result of rising populations, income growth, employment, and urbanisation. Natural resources are depleting as food demand rises. According to the United Nations (2017), the world's population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, resulting in a nearly 70% increase in food demand (van Huis et al, 2013). Nations around the world are feeling more pressure than ever to improve their food systems. Furthermore, external factors such as climate change and pollution have had a negative impact on the sustainability of animal-based food supplies such as meat, fish, milk, and eggs (Lensvelt & Steenbekkers, 2014). Furthermore, animal farming consumes a lot of land and contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (Foley et al, 2011). Companies and government agencies have implemented various methods to improve food supply by introducing new technologies that are more efficient, cost effective, and yield better crops, such as genetically modified foods, to overcome the food crisis (Falk et al, 2002). However, food insecurity remains a common issue among low-income households in developing countries such as Malaysia. In light of this, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) took the initiative to develop a policy and proposed a programme to feed people with alternative sources such as insects (FAO, 2010). Entomophagy is the process of consuming edible insects as a substitute food source (Anankware et al, 2015; FAO, 2013). This study investigates the motivational factors that influence the frequency with which tourists engage in entomotourism, focusing on edible insects in food tourism destinations, and provides a framework for predicting the motivation of tourists to engage in insect-based product experiences.

Invention Technical Description

To achieve the research objectives, a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) approach will be used. A qualitative approach, such as a focus group, will be used to identify the primary factors that influence acceptance and motivation of insect-based products among domestic tourists aged 20 and older. After conducting focus groups and identifying the issues and factors that can influence the entire phenomenon, a questionnaire based on the theme derived from qualitative research will be developed. For the quantitative approach, the Structural Equation Method (SEM) will be used to validate each construct and identify the factors that influence the behaviour of tourists.

Research implications include:

1. Theoretical Consequences
Acceptance and motivation among consumer is a broad concept; no single theory can explain why tourists accept or reject a product (Lensvelt and Steenbekkers, 2014). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an improved model for measuring tourists' acceptance and motivation toward entomotourism, with a focus on entomophagy.

2. Commercialism (Practical implications)
The potential of entomotourism centred on consulting opportunities, especially for companies engaged in the production of edible insects. This research will help them determine the product form, insect species, flavour, and other tourist preferences. As a potential tourist attraction, it can help develop and market insects and insect-based products. This study's success will serve as a springboard for transforming the entomophagy industry and establishing a new food tourism market in Malaysia.

3. Societal and environmental consequences
Entomophagy is a valuable source of income that can improve the area's standard of living and socioeconomic standing. Locals can generate income by cultivating, collecting, and selling crickets and grasshoppers as cooked street food (van Huis et al., 2013). As a result of the growth of rural food tourism, street food has become a more prominent culinary trend (Fernquest, 2013).

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