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Project ID:


eOBE Legacy System

Project Title:


Information Technology/ Computer Science


Wong Li Qi, Chan Ler-Kuan


Southern University College

Invention Description/ Abstract:

This report discusses the findings related to eOBE, explaining why the topic was chosen. In addition, some methodologies and system design diagrams are used to explain how to optimize the functionality of the system, such as: which techniques are being used for optimization, functional flow, etc. Finally, some conclusions about what this system has achieved, and final testing and survey results are also included in the final section of the report.

Invention Technical Description

In computing, a legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system, or application program, "of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system", yet still in use. Often referencing a system as "legacy" means that it paved the way for the standards that would follow it. This can also imply that the system is out of date or in need of replacement.

OBE (Outcome-Based Education) is an approach that focuses on the attainment of intended learning outcomes where students develop behaviours that are authentic to their discipline and are assessed holistically within the context of their learning. OBE clearly focuses and organizes everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences. This means starting with a clear picture of what is important for all students to be able to do, then organizing curriculum (outcome), instruction (activity), and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.

Demostration/ Presentation Video

Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link

Poster Link

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