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2nd Research, Innovation & Creativity Exhibition 2024

Project ID:
E-MenuOrdering System
Project Title:
Information Technology/ Computer Science
Lee Jun Han, Phang Yong Shien, Low Jun Bin, Shaffika bte Mohd Suhaimi
Southern University College
Invention Description/ Abstract:
Online ordering system is a simple and famous system which are allow user to order the food and the other item directly at any time and any place such as at the campus, office, home and other places. After that, online ordering system also provide more convenient services which is the delivery services, online payment services and other customer services. These current advantages already remove and eliminate a lot of trouble which are bring by the tradition ordering method. However, online ordering system is not the perfect. It also brings a lot of issues which cannot found in tradition ordering way. For example, some ordering platform does not provide the item’s picture, the text provide is too small, cannot support more payment method or any disappointing of the customer services. As the objective of this system, it provides a good user interface for ordering item become more convenience, to provide payment platform for user to directly to the cafe and develop a easy E-menu system. As the result, users can use this system to order the food in Lee Hybrid Cafe with more simple and convenient way such as can directly book in advance and also can solve the problem which bring by tradition ordering method such as the slow ordering and tradition payment method which is paying using cash.
Invention Technical Description
The system's is use to solve about the issues which is bring by the problem statement based on our research such as some ordering system does not provide picture or the multimedia component such as text element is too smaller, and also need to take multiple step to complete the payment so that this system objective is provide the details properly such as the image or picture and using the bigger and strong text element and provide an easy to use function such as can use the most easier way to do the payment directly.
1. Front End:
-Java Script
2. Back End:
-Java Script
3. Database:
4. Framework:
-Laravel 9
5. Methodology:
-Rapid Application Development ( RAD )
6. Editor Tools and Control Panel:
-Visual Studio Code ( VSC )
-Xampp Control Panel
Demostration/ Presentation Video
Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link
Poster Link
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