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2nd Research, Innovation & Creativity Exhibition 2024

Project ID:
Development of Human Skeleton Based Identity Authentication System
Project Title:
Science & Engineering
Kuaik Hong Wei, Chan Bun Seng
Southern University College
Invention Description/ Abstract:
There are many ways of identity authentication today, such as passwords, faces and fingerprints. This personal characteristic information can be used as the user's login password. However, this information is at risk of being stolen. Once the unique biometric data is stolen, it will lead to personal information security, life and property security and other related problems. In conclusion, although fingerprint and face recognition are very common now, they have not yet reached the risk of being completely free from theft. This project develops an identity authentication system based on the human movement or Motion Capture (MOCAP) system. MOCAP system is considered safe because every human movement is different, and there is no way for other people to replicate the walking posture of one person.
Invention Technical Description
Motion Capture System is a technology used to process the motion of people or objects. After using the movements captured by the camera, render those movements onto the avatar. Through this technology, some physical movements of people can be recorded, such as the width of the shoulders, the angle of bending of the knees and elbows, and so on. The body movements of each person are unique, the identity of the person can be identified through these subtle differences. The purpose of this research is to use cameras to record people's movements and determine the identity of an individual from their body language. In conclusion, this proposal uses the technology of Motion Capture System for identity authentication. The marker-less motion capture system will be used to determine the human skeleton diagram. Joint detection algorithm is implemented to identify the human joint. To achieve a better outcome, joint tracking techniques will be employed for continuous identification. Artificial intelligence techniques will be used to identify and analyze human identity based on the skeleton joint diagram.
Demostration/ Presentation Video
Poster/ Broucher/ Invention Photo

Video Link
Poster Link
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